Career Transition

What does career transition entail?


The accelerating pace of change requires companies and individuals to anticipate, adapt and act with agility.


Career transition can arise from disruption, outsourcing, offshoring, restructuring, transfers, life shifting, self-search for purpose: these are all strategic initiatives that impact a company's and individual’s vital resources.


Our comprehensive and modular services guide the individual from the end of a career cycle, or life change, to the consideration of career options and/or new professional and life projects – for a corporate role, an entrepreneurial project, a portfolio career, or (early)retirement. This is achieved through highly personalized support in the form of one-to-one coaching sessions, advice and various resources (tax, financial and legal in the event of severance pay, an entrepreneurial project or retirement).


Our programs are tailored to the unique needs and challenges of each individual. A real, dynamic commitment to orchestrating and efficiently transforming one's professional heritage into a sustainable future aligned with one's aspirations anchored in the reality of the job market/economic context.

Program Outplacement

An individual may be faced with leaving a company. A breakpoint? Or an opportunity to explore one’s potential and shape a new phase in their career? Our offering consists of a 3-program range – ESSENTIALS, PROFESSIONAL and PREMIUM – with different durations and levels of service. The common denominator in our programs is a fully personalized, one-to-one approach that caters to individual expectations and objective. We also offer a vast selection of regularly-organized interactive expert-facilitated MasterClasses. Von Rohr & Associates approaches Outplacement from a pragmatic and developmental perspective, accompanying individuals on a constructive journey to reflect on their life and career goals. This enables them to ensure optimal positioning in view of a realistic and personally satisfying objective. We propose a flexible palette of modular services that match specific needs, giving them the opportunity to meet subject matter and sectorial experts to gain valuable insights and learning. Here is an overview of our approach :

• A holistic reflection and coming to terms with a career transition
• Gain enhanced awareness of one’s skills, style, values, interests, and personal potential via self-reflection and behavioral assessment tools
• Clarify a next professional step and prepare effective positioning
• Craft a strong value proposition and an impactful communication and self-marketing strategy (personal “pitch”, CV, LinkedIn profile, cover letter/email, website…)
• If relevant, possess a comprehensive business plan and strategy to launch an entrepreneurial venture
• Boost ability to network purposefully and develop a fruitful approach to target relevant opportunities

• Gain assurance and ease in professional discussions and interviews
• Master interviewing skills (face-to-face, remote, or digital) to enhance competitive edge via interview simulations
• Understand the works and stakes of an Assessment Center
• Evaluate job offers, (compensation, benefits…) and gain from contract negotiation advice
• Build a roadmap to ensure success in a newfound role or entrepreneurial project
• Keeping one's employability on the radar in view of future personal growth and attractiveness

Digital program my Career Navigator

Online modular outplacement to cover all aspects of a successful career transition. This new service reflects our commitment to staying at the forefront of the industry and meeting the needs of our clients in the ever-changing professional landscape. A program available 24/7. Access to diverse, high-quality content created by career management experts. Option for personalized coaching with a Consultant.

Program Entrepreneurial

Being at a professional and personal crossroads, affected by cycles of corporate change, one may feel that the time has come to set up a business or become self-employed. Our module guides individuals through the reflection stage, exploring, developing and launching an entrepreneurial project, through individual coaching that is targeted to specific needs. This is done via expert advice, be it in the self-reflection phase, as well as legal, financial and tax advice to optimize a well-founded entrepreneurial strategy and structure.

Program & Workshop Retirement

Retirement represents a major life change for most people, and it can bring about many emotions, from excitement and happiness, to stress and uncertainty. After experiencing an intense and successful track record within an organization, one may be facing the transition towards retirement aware of the need to strike a new balance in life. Retirement can mean many things and our perception thereof is radically shifting. Global aging is about much more than demographics, it is most importantly about mindset. Today, retirement is viewed less as an ending, than as a transition from one chapter of life to another. Von Rohr & Associates’ approach enables individuals to gain clear awareness of their values, interests, resources and skills, as well as changes that occur in life in one's 50s, to structure their post-professional activities and craft a targeted action plan in line with their needs.


Personalized coaching to reflect on their current life stage, help explore options and develop a new life project that resonates with personal aspirations and financial situations. Guided in making the right decisions in a serene and confident way. Unique at Von Rohr & Associates, we provide in-house specialists for legal, pension, estate and tax planning questions (for single or multi-jurisdiction).


Interactive sessions provide a dual framework: firstly, to enable individuals to plan and take charge of their transition toward life beyond their 50s, guiding them through a personal discovery of visualizing and planning a next life chapter. And secondly, unique at Von Rohr & Associates, in-house specialists who can address legal, pension, estate and tax planning questions (single or multi-jurisdiction).

Program Dual Career Partner

Today's globally competitive organizations rely on the international mobility of key talent. The transferee’s company wants the transfer to Switzerland to be a success, knowing that this depends on its ability to respond effectively to the transferred partner's unique personal and professional needs. With the right support in relation to the job market and understanding of the culture of a new home country, the complexity and upheaval of relocating not one, but two careers, the transferring partner will be able to get the best our of this new opportunity. During this transfer, we help the relocated partner to put into perspective their career path, values, areas of interest, resources and skills, in order to highlight new career options that match their potential and aspirations. Our know-how and knowledge of the local job market will facilitate their professional positioning.