Career Development


Why contemplate a qualitative 360° feedback or a Talent Assessment Center? Surely, one of your key organizational priorities is to foster and reinforce leadership practices, enabling success in achieving strategic objectives. While a qualitative or quantitative 360° feedback process may be part of your corporate best practices, it can also prove instrumental in revealing specific leadership challenges and development areas. Expected outcomes:


Coaching can have long-term benefits for anyone, and in any context. Von Rohr & Associates proposes a pragmatic and context-based approach to coaching that includes one-on-one sessions, individual assessment and a variety of tools depending on the context. By leveraging situational and psychometric tools, individuals and leaders are empowered to rise more effectively to strategic challenges, sharpening their influencing skills and optimizing their impact and their team’s performance. Why propose impact coaching?


Beyond individual coaching, we propose a rich selection of resources, such as thematic MasterClasses facilitated by subject matter experts. Our selection represents a variety of topics and offers a unique opportunity to:


Self-development is a continuous journey. It entails active exploration and commitment in self-reflection, learning and developing new skills that can lead to success and personal satisfaction in both professional and personal contexts. Whether the objective is to more clearly understand one’s personal style, improve interaction dynamics with others, or to effectively handle situations, our range of assessment and developmental tools can help effectively reach one’s goals. Via interactive one-to-one debriefing sessions, they provide an accurate profile of personal needs and style, skills, drivers and development areas to allow alignment with objectives.