Von Rohr & Associates - your exclusive career services provider

Based in Switzerland, and internationally through
our Arbora network

We support companies and individuals with Outplacement and other career management services.

Our Services

  • Career Transition

    Our proprietary methodology is specially designed to support individuals at a critical point in their career or with a desire to explore and change professional direction. Whether it be in view of a new role, an entrepreneurial project, the professional positioning following a life partner’s transfer to Switzerland, or in the prospect of exploring (early) retirement. We have a personalized and fully tailored approach via our Senior Consultants and experts for functional, sectorial, legal, financial and tax advice.

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  • Career Development

    We provide career development and assessment programs to maximise your potential and future growth possibilities.
    Our focus on international markets enables us to take advantage of the latest career development tools to maximise your potential.

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  • Talent Solutions

    In this VUCA world, volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity have become synonymous to rapidly evolving and competitive business environments. More and more organizations require specialized competencies and cognitive flexibility, and having quick access to a very experienced and hands-on leader or functional specialist. Our talent solutions, via our subsidiary DGT Parners, enable individuals stepping into an interim role with an organization, or those operating in self-employment mode, to have a legally-recognized and efficient payroll hosting support (bank and finance sectors).

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Our Clients

Von Rohr clients are future orientated companies who need quality support for both assisting outgoing employees and also providing coaching for employees who need assistance with developing their careers to the next level.

They trust us

Case Studies


The Von Rohr & Associates experience, what our clients say…

Strongly committed to the quality of its bespoke services, Von Rohr & Associates regularly gathers the testimonials of clients following a program to assess their experience.